Writer’s Statement

Winner of 106 AWARDS, 13 HONORABLE MENTIONS, and with an additional 121 Nominations, Finalist, and Official Selection accolades (On FilmFreeway)— and counting, the currently unproduced feature film screenplay ‘SVEN,’ was originally an internet series I had created and directed briefly back in 2008, that I later adapted into a cohesive screenplay.

The basic outline of the screenplay is also the 2nd out of 4 screenplays in a Quadrilogy of unrelated stories I had outlined, all during a manic episode (at that time yet-to-be diagnosed Bipolar I).

Essentially, the screenplay for ‘SVEN’ is a contemporary throwback to classic Universal Studios monsters — if it were noticeably influenced by anything “Lynchian,” with a hint of Cronenberg.

At first glance, ‘SVEN’ seems like a long-short screenplay (at 47 pages total, and for nearly the entire story, the title character has no dialogue), but this screenplay is intended to be paced feature-length, and would probably clock in at about 85-90 minutes (including credits), as a theatrical film.

If the first two acts of this story feel tedious at times, and make the reader/audience deeply uncomfortable during others — Good. The claustrophobic atmosphere is established, and therefore the story is doing its job. However, the 3rd Act has a triumphant payoff that any general audience member would greatly appreciate, especially after everything that they (the audience) and the title character have been subjected to together, during the first two acts. The ending follows through and delivers what an ending should.

‘SVEN’ is intended to begin small in scope; open-ended with plenty of opportunities to go bigger — with both world-building, and deeper character development to further expand the narrative — in future installments.

— Jesse Dorian

‘SVEN’ is Copyright Registered.

Jesse Dorian

ADD/bipolar screenwriter/actor/editor/film director/songwriter/composer/musician, ex-drug dealer, community college dropout, with dumb little gothpop music project on the side; also (as of 2022) newly a small e-commerce business owner, and apparel designer (LostScorpion/LostScorpion Apparel).

Had one full-on manic episode/nervous breakdown in 2012… years later, came out on the other end with an unfinished, 95% completed feature film/directorial effort that never saw the light of day-- plus, 5 separate story ideas that in 2021, would be revised competently into 5 different, coherently-readable documents... er, better yet-- 5 professionally-organized feature-length film screenplays.

Endgame is to station in Los Angeles and focus on acting and music. Would also excel as a writer/actor, and would ideally fit in writing/producing/directing independent projects for distributors A24, NEON... with long-time mainstream prospects including creation of/writing/producing/directing franchise and world-building feature film projects for Universal Studios.

Has 2 rescue cats named Fred and Caramels.